Friday Notes

Dear Parents or Guardians:                                                                                               March 24, 2023

Spring has SPRUNG!  A quick reminder that starting April 1st, students are allowed to wear shorts and flip flops.  Please make sure shorts are mid-thigh and hemmed.  No cut offs or shorts with holes are allowed.  Also, no sleeveless shirts are permitted.  Please make sure your student is dressed for the weather as we can still have chilly days in April and May and they will be going outside (weather permitting) for recess.                                                                                 

                                                                                                                                                                Thanks for all you do!

                                                                                                                                                                 Mrs. McKee


·      March 27: NED Mindset assembly; JH Track meet at Bucyrus

·      March 30: JH Track meet at New London

·      April 1: JH track meet home (April Fools); Jazz Festival

·      Get your Jazz Tickets for the Jazz Festival on Sat. April 1st @5 PM. Use this link to order and pay online.

  • April 7 - 1:00 PM SC Band Easter Pies ready for pickup
  • April 12 - SC Jazz Band performs at Akron's Blu Jazz Club
  • REMINDER 7/8th grade students: CP ticket money / permission slips are due  March 29th (checks made out to SC Schools).  Also, t-shirt money ($7) is due the same day (check made out to MVD Sports).


News Worth Repeating

  • Remember to access Progressbook to check your student’s grades and if they have any missing assignments.  Eligibility for sports is checked weekly.  There is now an app for Progressbook on your mobile device as well.